Travel report: Denmark
Visited in: September 2017
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark…
As you can find many cheap flights from Switzerland to Copenhagen, it is not too surprising that almost every Swiss has already been to the Danish capital. It is one of Europe’s most visited capitals and also the most visited city in Northern Europe.
However, during my travels I realized that it can be more challenging to motivate people revisiting a city than going to a new place. When I plan a trip with my friends, we usually discuss a few cities and decide afterwards. If you come up with a city like Berlin, Paris or Copenhagen, the reactions usually are like “sure, why not… unless we find something better.” And a new destination is always something better.
I had this issue with Copenhagen for a long time, but when my friend Matt went to Denmark for business, I took advantage of that and joined him for the weekend. Copenhagen was my third Northern European capital after Stockholm and Oslo, which I both liked. Many people I know call Copenhagen one of their favorite cities. Therefore, expectations were quite high.

Danish hygge
According to the World Happiness Report by the UN, the Danish are the happiest people in the world in 2016 (the Norwegians took that trophy one year later). Hygge is the word the Danish use to express their lifestyle, which means something like cozy or pleasant. There is even a book called Hygge about the Danish lifestyle now. If you see Copenhagen, you will understand why they use that word as the city with its beautiful canals has a real cozy, laid-back and home-like atmosphere.

I also felt this hygge-ness when I spoke to the Danish people. The people seem to be laid-back, sometimes even introvert, but introversion is wide-spread in Scandinavia anyway. At least, this is what I’ve experiences in these countries or when I met travelers from Nordic countries abroad.
My impressions of Copenhagen
Copenhagen is windy! Apparently, grey and rainy most of the time as well. And cold. Always! Under these circumstances, hygge seems to be even more vital for the Danish. The harsh weather might also explain the black humor of the Danish. Do you need an example? Check out the movies Adam’s Apples or In China They Eat Dogs. The Danish film industry really has become one of my favorites in recent years.

The best thing about Copenhagen is that it is a walkable city. Well, almost. You need a bicycle, taxi or public transportation to get to the Little Mermaid, but I’m not sure if it’s worth visiting a sight that was named one of the five most disappointing tourist attractions in the world. The other attractions in the city center can be visited within a day. Or two, if you include Tivoli.
Moreover, Copenhagen is a beautiful city. The canals reminded me of Amsterdam, although Copenhagen was not as dirty and run-down as the capital city of the Netherlands. Well, with one exception. Christiania is sort of an autonomous hippie village in Copenhagen. It’s actually not a small district and full of hippies, dealers, alcoholics and tourists.
I’m not quite sure how that works, but I think the Danish authorities let them do whatever they want as soon as they do it in Christiania. Actually, it’s not the dumbest idea, because you concentrate all the drug criminality in one part of the city.

The worst thing about Copenhagen? The prices! If you are Swiss, it is normal that you are rich wherever you go but that does not apply to Copenhagen. The only city of the European Union I know that is as same expensive as Copenhagen is Stockholm. I would even say that I haven’t been to a city in Europe where hotel prices were that high. A double room in a good located hotel for less than 200€ per night seems to be impossible to find. Even the hostels cost about the same, which is insane. Coming from Kiev as my previous destination, this certainly came as a shock.
My travel experience in Denmark
Overall, the trip to my 59th country was one of the less eventful in recent history. We did some sightseeing, went out and had delicious although incredibly expensive Smørrebrød. Otherwise, I have to admit that I found Copenhagen beautiful but also a bit overrated. Maybe, my expectations were simply to high. However, I think it is inevitable that I revisit this city someday.
Apart from Copenhagen, I do not have the intention to explore more of mainland Denmark in the near future, as that part of the country does not provide many places I am very interested in. But I am very interested to visit the other Danish territories such as Faroe or Greenland. These territories make Denmark one of the most fascinating travel destinations in Europe.
Find the travel reports of the other countries I’ve visited here!