City Rating: Abidjan
Population: 4’700’000
Date of visit: January 2018
Attractions & sights: 2/5
Nightlife: 3/5
Safety: 3/5
Infrastructure: 3/5
Low budget factor: 3/5
Total: 👍👍👍/5
The city in a nutshell:
Skyscrapers and clean roads in good condition: Abidjan is probably not a city you have in mind when you think about Africa. The capital of Côte d’Ivoire is one of the most modern sub-Saharan African cities with a few sights, good infrastructure and solid nightlife. It’s also a safe city for African standards, although there are slums and some no go areas.

Where to stay:
The three best options are Marcory, Zone 4 or Le Plateau. I’ve been in this hotel, which is well located between Zone 4 and Le Plateau. As a taxi ride between these areas doesn’t cost more than 2-3 USD, the location of the hotel is not that important as long as the hotel is in one of these areas. You can also walk at night in this districts without getting in trouble.
The Good:
Abidjan is a cool city. It’s pretty modern for African standards with a lot of skyscrapers and clean roads in good condition. The economical capital of the Ivory Coast has a great variety of good restaurants and nightlife is decent.
The city is highly influenced by the French. You don’t see that only in the architecture but also in the food and the amount of French restaurants. Oh, I guess you already assumed that the people speak French there. 🙂 Just don’t mention the French influence to the locals. It’s not that they like France very much due to their past with the former colonial power.
The main attraction of the city are St. Paul Cathedral, Plateau Mosque and Musée des Civilisations de Côte d’Ivoire. A trip to Grand Bassam, former capital of the country, is highly recommended.

Although the city isn’t much cheaper than an average city of the European Union, taxi prices are one of Abidjan’s advantages. Most rides don’t cost more than CFA 1’500-2’000 (USD 2.75-3.60).
As Abidjan is quite safe for an African city. This and also the modernity of the city make Abidjan probably one of the best sub-Saharan cities for expats.
The Bad & The Ugly:
Abidjan is a business city and like in many other business cities there are not many sights and attractions. 2-3 hours are actually enough to see all the highlights of the city. Add a trip to Grand Bassam and you have seen all of it in one day.
There are certainly better budget options in Africa than Abidjan. Hotel prices are no bargains but still affordable.
Although Abidjan is quite safe, there are some no go-areas like Abobo, which should be avoided at all costs.

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