A journey to every country in the world

My challenge is to visit every country in the world. So, how many countries do exist? There are different answers to that questions. For me, there are 197 countries in the world. I count the 193 United Nations-countries, the 2 UN-observers (Palestine & the Vatican) and 2 widely recognized countries, Taiwan and Kosovo. That is 197 countries in total. I do not count non-sovereign states like Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Wales, Aruba etc.

You can find the list of the countries I’ve visited below. I’ve traveled to many countries more than once. However, the number behind the country refers to my first visit.

Countries I have visited Placeholder
Countries I have visited

Africa (50/54):

Asia (45/47*):

Europe (46/47):

* P.S. I count Russia and Turkey to Europe. Correctly, they belong to Asia, too.

Oceania (10/14)

North America (23/23):

South America (12/12):

Other territories